January 18, 2009

pictures ...

So I haven't figured out how to post pictures on the blog instead of in a blog ... (any hints please help!) but I wanted to post some more pictures of Kylee. She is getting bigger and bigger every day. She is starting to smile more ... but not on purpose yet. Matt can sometimes get her to smile. Tomorrow I'm taking her in to the pediatrician to get her two month check up which means she's getting six vaccinations! She is going to be a grumpy girl for a little while with all those germs floating around. Welp, here's our sweet baby.


  1. Okay, so once you're signed into your blog, on the top right you can click customize...that brings up a page "Add and Arange Page Elements" On the top right you click "Add a Gadget" and from there scroll down to "Picture" That will put pictures on the side of your blog, rather than in a post on your blog. They'll stay there until you change them.

    She sure is sweet! Please come by next time you're out this way. Emma asks "Where's Amanda's baby" daily! LOL

  2. AMANDA! How the heck are you? I am so glad to see your little family. Your girl is so cute. I worried a lot about you in high school. I don't know if you knew that. I am glad that things have worked out for you. I don't really have time to talk right now because I need to get working on my homework but I will update you on my life soon. I promise!

  3. Amanda! Your baby is so beautiful! I am so happy for you!
