May 18, 2010

lazy ....

I feel like I've been lazy lately. I took a sick day yesterday and now I'm taking a half day tomorrow (personal leave) but I have no motivation at all to keep working. I just like going but don't feel like planning much of anything haha jk I do plan stuff it's just more laid back than at the beginning of the year. We get out June 8th so we're only a few weeks away! I wish I could post some cool pictures, but for some reason my computer can't read my camera all of a sudden ... I saw everyone's cute posts and it's fun to see how everyone's doing. I miss being home with my baby and can't wait to stay home for the summer. Who knows what my plans are after that, but I know that I'll be able to enjoy our time together. And I'm SO FRUSTRATED because none of my pictures will load on this stupid thing! Anyone having problems with that? EVerything seems fine until I exit out of the picture screen and look at my post and it's a bunch of jumbly letters! UGH! help me ... Anyways I have adorable pictures of Kylee playing in the backyard with her cute polka dot swimsuit and holding the hose. And I have another picture of her eating dirt in the garden and then gagging on it haha. SHe is running around everywhere and discovering new things. She's still on the verge of talking, she says "bye bye," and sometimes sounds like she can say "I love you." I've noticed how particular she is, she wants things her way (wonder who she's like in that respect?)THe weather's getting nicer and we've been spending more time at the parks and taking walks. Kylee is picking up so many things and today she copied what I did ... I was leaning against the kitchen counter eating my snack and she took her snack and leaned against the cabinets it was sooo cute! K so I figured out what I can do ... I can post them as gadgets, just can't put them inside my posts for some reason ... annoying! Tell me how to fix it.

April 11, 2010

cleaning .. and possible remodel

Kylee is getting so close to talking now. She mimics most words she hears and I know it's just a matter of a few weeks before she says her first real word. This is a really fun age for her to be at. She understands everything I say and is picking up things I didn't even know she noticed.This weekend I feel like I got a lot done. I cleaned the house and organized the dreaded office. It was so messy with all of Matt's junk that he was going to "take care of" but I got it off the floor. Now all we have to do is paint in here ... it's still boring white. My job for the summer is to redo the kitchen. I will still be getting paid over 12 months as a teacher, but don't have to work a majority of the summer. What I really want to do is put in tile floors (replace the thin planks of orange colored wood) paint the cabinets white and put some brushed nickel knobs on them, paint it a light pale color, and last and best of all put in black speckled granite or possibly quartz. I can't wait! I get excited just thinking about how it would turn out. The kitchen is one of the big selling points on this house and that would be a great thing to do for a quick sale when the time comes (2 years or so ...)I have just about 2 months left at school and then welcome summer! Check out the hilarious video of Kylee at the bottom ...

April 02, 2010

The new business

We have talked about this so many times before, but have now decided to start a wedding and events planning business. Cindy and Michelle and I are going into business together! We have yet to come up with a name, but are already rolling with the all the things we want to do and achieve. So if you have anybody you know that is planning on getting married, a reunion, a business party, whatever! give them my information! The first 3 weddings/events we do will be at a greatly discounted price to get our name out there! We did four weddings this past year together, some of them being planned in 6+ months, some just 2 weeks of time. You may email me personally at any time at (I know I need to change it to something more professional ... that's from when I was a teenager!) Remember there will be a large discount to the first three weddings/events done this year!

February 03, 2010


Kylee is finally walking ... and everywhere! She officially started walking (like choosing to walk, not just walk when we make her) last Sunday. She is very cautious and hardly ever falls. She doesn't waddle as much as I thought she would. She is just getting so big and babbling allll the time! She is such a joy ... I can't imagine or remember how our life was before she came along. Matt and I can tell she understands just about everything we say and sometimes carries on a conversation with hand gestures and everything! She loves to play on the windowsills and try to lift her feet up and crawling up on the couch. She likes to eat what we're eating regardless of what it is, even if she's just eaten, she'll try it at least. She loves to drink out of our cups and sometimes I let her hold the cup, but she hasn't figured out how to just hold it, she wants to hold it straight up and all the water pours over her face and down her neck and all over her clothes. It surprises her every time ... you'd think she'd figure it out haha. We're having so much fun with her and love seeing what she picks up. She loves to give kisses and follow around all the other kids at church. She also really likes to pick her nose, it's now a game to see if she can do it without getting told no.

I'm having a really fun time at work. I love what I do and although it takes me away from my family during the day I really like my job. Of all the things I could be doing for a job right now I'm lucky to have this job and a great principal and teachers to support me. The school year is more than halfway over and spring break is soon. I keep telling myself that if I can make it to spring break I'll live. haha

I told Matt he couldn't take any classes this semester, it was too stressful for me last semester. But soon enough he'll be taking the written and physical exams for the police departments in the areas (there's 3-4 he's going to apply to.) I hope he gets an interview and gets a job this time. He got an interview last time but they didn't continue the process with him. So now that he's familiar with the process and has prepared more thoroughly for the exams and the interviews I think he'll find a job somewhere.

For some reason the pictures I'm trying to upload aren't working, so I'll post some later.