March 11, 2009

i made it myself

i did make kylee ... but that's not what i'm talking about. i figured out a way to make those headbands! they are so easy, i got stockings from the dollar store and sewed it together and glued a hand-made bow with a button in the middle. i've already made 5 different ones to go with her outfits! she's smiling now ... i happened to get her with her eyes open that time. the flash of the camera makes her blink and there's two flashes so by the time the picture actually gets taken, she has already closed her eyes.


  1. Wow good job! She is TOO cute!

  2. sooo cute! i love it!

  3. Oh it looks like she is at a fun stage. What a beautiful smile. We sure miss you guys. Love, Becky and Brandon
