December 29, 2009
help again ...
December 28, 2009
new video
December 26, 2009
first real christmas
One of her favorite things to get from off the tree were the candy canes. I caught her about 3 different times with a broken candy cane gripped in one hand and the other hand picking and playing with the shards on the floor. But one time I was making jello and she was being awfully quiet. I looked into the family room where I had left her and she was laying down, legs crossed, with a broken partially opened andy cane sucking away. Her mouth was all blue and it was all I could do to take a still picture I was laughing sooo hard! She didn't see anything wrong with it. Look at her holiday leggings!
We did some bowling with all of Matt's family and spent Christmas morning together. We spent Christmas eve (wtih a yummy dinner!) with my mom and her parents and brothers and the rest of our first week of break was spent with my brothers and dad who was in town for the holidays again.
Here's a picture of Kylee "playing" the piano with my mom's mom ... Kathy. She was having a blast ...
We had a wonderful Christmas and will be heading to Pocatello to see all of Matt's extended family for New Year's (like we do almost every year.)
And for those of you who didn't receive a Christmas card and feel bad ... it's because I didn't send them out this year! Sorry, I just have been so busy .. so count this as your
Christmas card (this has more pictures than my card would ever have ... so consider yourself lucky! haha) Merry Christmas to all!
We love you guys!
December 04, 2009
November 22, 2009
a little later ...
So these cute pictures of kylee, I guess my timing is pretty bad because I always get her with her eyes closed. I honestly think it's my camera, it flashes two little flashes first and then the big flash. This one is how matt tickles her, she has a very ticklish neck and she loves it when he's a little scruffy.
Here's another time Matt is tromping around with Kylee (again ... eyes closed!) But she loves playing around with Matt and I can see that they're really enjoying their time together and bonding closer than they have previously.
This was kylee this morning, she is eating some cheerios. (Did I tell you she got 3 teeth in one week ... about 2 weeks ago?? She really wasn't even that miserable.)
Here is her fake smile for the camera. She's already figured it out and she mimics what we do allllll the time. She yawns when we do just to be funny and she also squeezes fingers really hard and makes a funny face. I'll have to get that on picture and post it here.
Well, that's about all that's going on right now. Our world still revolves around our sweet baby. (Who's now 1--on nov. 18th--). We're excited to do thanksgiving and have all our family in town.
October 30, 2009
everything's new
Kylee's first birthday is on November 18th and we're going to have a birthday party for her just before thanksgiving so that all the family can come to it. I thought I was really set on doing Thanksgiving at our house this year, but I think I'll just focus on doign a super cool party for Kylee and the family. The only thing Kylee wants to do now is to walk around with us holding her hands, she's a very good crawler, but prefers to be walked around the house. We need to find her a walker! She loves playing in the bath, stuffed animals and any music/light up toy. It's so fun to see how she changes from week to week, she always picks up something that Matt and I haven't taught her at all, such as making spit bubbles. Random! Nobody's even shown her that and she loves doing it!
Everything's working out perfectly and we couldn't be happier. I'll post pictures very very soon, promise!
October 04, 2009
so much new stuff
August 05, 2009
making up for lost times, Vermont
to the right is matt and little adeline (my two year old half sister) she was a doll with kylee! more like kylee was the doll to her. she wanted to help feed her and play with her and share toys, it was adorable!
4th of july and motorcycle bye bye
kylee still has her little helmet on and it's getting quite annoying. she's had it for 2 1/2 months now and i've seen a drastic change from before! it's looking much much better. but i imagine to get the best results she'll need it for at least another 2-3 months. it is sooo hot here already, i can't imagine always having my head covered in cast-like material! poor baby. she's also teething (i say that whenever she's grumpy ...) but i think she might really be this time, but i can't feel a thing yet on those gums. she's not crawling, but she rolls over and can push herself backwards with her arms. she still hates tummy time. but if i let her play with my ipod touch she's good for about 20 mins on her tummy. what expensive taste our baby has! we're in trouble already ...
matt's about to start another school year at BSU, hopefully he will have his criminal justice degree in just about two years (at this rate, 3 classes a semester and working full time) he has early morning classes (starting at 7:40 am!!!) and one night class.
we just came back from visiting my stepmom and stepfamily (well, currently ex-stepmom and family, being recently divorced from my dad this past december :( ) in vermont at the lakehouse. it was beautiful and we had a lot of fun. we even survived the plane ride with kylee! i was really worried about that ... but matt took her basically the whole 5 hours there and 5 hours back.
i'm not doing much of anything, other than getting ready to move to a house (maybe) the more i think about the more stressed i get ... it's such a big thing to do right now, or ever i guess. i'm getting excited to start teaching piano lessons again like i did throughout high school. i'm going to teach at a piano studio in eagle (still working on that tho) and have family members (anyone wanna volunteer? haha) watch her during those few hours a week. i already have recital halls reserved and evertyhing. so wish me luck in that aspect!
enjoy some of these cute pics that are more recent from the last post.
June 06, 2009
June 01, 2009
May 11, 2009
party hat
May 06, 2009
May 05, 2009
April 22, 2009
April 16, 2009
not about kylee
okay, can't help myself with the videos. but i got her really laughing in this one. she only laughs like this when she's extremely tired, mostly it only works if i scare her. but that's not what this post is about. i've been loving staying home and i have found a new love for scrapbooking. i'm really not that creative in the first place, but i think i have a pretty good eye for what's "in style" for all that crafty stuff. so i've spent a good chunk of time looking at ideas on and other sites. my new thing to be looking at are electronic die cutting machines. i want one that can cut vinyl as wel as cardstock and paper, etc. i think i've found the one that i want: the quickutz silhouette (not the SD version, the original version). i found it online at for $120. the next cheapest price is on ebay/amazon for $150. it sells in stores for around $300-$350. does anybody have a cricut or other type of die cutting machine .... one that hooks up to your computer. the major downside for the cricut is that to get any type of different fonts/pictures you have to buy a "cartridge" that is $50-$100 apiece! so tell me what you think, i keep reading great reviews about the silhouette, i'm just worried about buying it from an online website. (who knows if they're reliable or not ... it is a lot of money to be spending and inputting credit card information on ...) let me know what you think/your experiences. i would also love to start a small business selling vinyl lettering and signs, etc. i can't wait to get one of these die cutting machines, can't stop thinking about it and looking online for more information!
April 14, 2009
mommy to mommy
1. babies have no sense of time. they don't sleep at night time mostly, they sleep whenever they want and for as long or as little as they want. that doesn't change until about four months when they start to figure out when night time is and it starts to become a little more continuous during the night time hours. those first four months are the longest four months of being a mom! if you're lucky it'll only be about four months and they'll figure it out. kylee's five months old and she has just started to sleep for more than four hours at a time at night. and don't think you're home free when they start sleeping that long, because it all changes when they are growing physically or about to make a developmental leap. for three nights in a row kylee woke up every two or one hours during the night, when she had already been sleeping for 5+ hours at a time.
2. if you breast feed or bottle feed choose what's best for baby AND you. for me, and for many others that i have talked to breast feeding hurts for a while. (for me, it hurt the whole six weeks i kept trying to feed her, i finally gave up and chose to bottle feed with pumped milk ... get an electric pump, it doesn't hurt like a hand pump does.) i felt sooo guilty for weeks and weeks after i had decided that it wasn't bonding me and baby together by breast feeding, it actually made me angry when she would be hungry ... again. but if you choose to breast feed, give it a good try, two weeks or more i think is enough time for baby to figure it out. but if you do bottle feed make sure to sign up on multiple mommy websites, where they will send you coupons.
3. save your coupons and stock up. okay, i know this is kinda common sense, but sign up on websites that will send you stuff and pay attention to expiration dates. you can never have enough diapers (make sure to pay attention to weight ranges on the packages so you don't waste any.) sometimes they put coupons on the inside of the packages, so make sure to check before you throw away empty diaper packaging. (save the boxes to pack up clothes your baby has grown out of, it happens quicker than you think!)
4. best place to buy diapers and formula is wal-mart hands down. yes wal-mart has the best deals i've found.
5. babies cry a lot. another of the major adjustments as a mom: trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with the crying baby. they're either hungry, uncomfortable, need to be burped, changed, or are tired. (yes they even cry when they're tired. kylee does the FREAK OUT cry when she's tired.)
6. back to sleep and tummy to play. make sure they are on their backside to sleep, with any blankets/covers tucked under the crib mattress so that they can't pull them up over their heads. try to give your child tummy time every day and slowly their neck muscle and back control will strengthen.
7. find something that makes you feel like you. don't just serve the baby, serve yourself by doing something you enjoy and making time for it, even if it's just once a week. (i have been able to scrapbook and i love it! look for ideas on the archivers website)
8. last, but not least, don't be too hard on yourself. being a mom is the hardest job i have EVER done, surprisingly. i have a greater appreciation for stay at home moms. their job is just as hard as going to school full time and working on top of that. you never get anything done during the day, and you always wonder where your time went, but just remember that this is one of the most important things you will do. you do the best you can and that's all you can do. i always thought it would be a breeze to finally be done with school and be able to stay home with my baby, but i never knew it would keep me just as busy.
that's about all i know about being a mom ... take it for what it's worth.
April 01, 2009
rice cereal
March 31, 2009
sooo cute!
March 23, 2009
March 11, 2009
i made it myself
February 27, 2009
February 24, 2009
February 16, 2009
children's book
February 10, 2009
the joys of motherhood
1. when your child smiles at the sound of your voice
2. smiles in general
3. being excited for a baby to poopy
4. the coos and babbles
5. nap time!
6. snuggling before bed times
7. all the lacy frills and headbands
8. when daddy wants to hold her
9. being able to watch her all day and not get bored, sucking on her fingers and watching the rattle (see video at bottom .. just added, i figured it out on my own this time!)
10. when she falls asleep in your arms
i couldn't be more in love ... again!