April 01, 2009

rice cereal

i posted a video for our first try with rice cereal. i know she's only 4 1/2 months old, but i was excited to try it once i bought a box the other day. they say that she's ready to start on rice cereal anywhere from 4-6 months old. you start out by just trying 2-3 times a week to feed her once she can sit up with some assistance. as you can tell it's going to be a while before she really eats ANY of it. but you're supposed to make it happy and fun so i smiled a lot and did the airplane to get her to smile and open up a little bit. i am having sooo much fun with her ... she is much more fun now that she can smile and somewhat interact. enjoy the video ... just figured out that i can post it within this post.


  1. SOO fun Miss Amanda! She is so adorable, I loved the movie! You're such a wonderful mom... I really admire you!

  2. Hi! I found your blog from Morgan's blog. :) Kylee is so adorable. My favorite picture is the one at the top of your blog with the big huge smile. And I love her big blue eyes picture too. What cute bows you make too. I'm very impressed. Have a great day!!

  3. Yes its true but I cant post anything because I'm waiting for my grandparents to get home from their mission to tell them. We are so excited!!!
