March 23, 2009


i will never go back to an apartment without a dishwasher and washer/dryer. but you never know how bad it is until you have it and then lose it. last night matt put in a load of laundry and it worked for about 3 minutes until it was supposed to drain and go through the rinse cycle. it just stopped working and when we opened the closet it was in it smelled like burnt rubber. uh oh! that can't be a good sign. so he had to take out all his clothes (soaking) and rinse them out in the bath tub and let them sit wet in a laundry bin. i called our apartment company today and they are sending someone out at two today. thank you for quick service! i hope that it's something they can fix quickly and we aren't left without a washer for much longer. i do have a baby who has blowouts .. haha that's always fun to clean up, but to not be able to throw the dirty laundry in the washer immediately should be interesting. i hope that we get a brand new washer and dryer and that it's completely broken. (it's a double stacked washer and dryer and the dryer still works, but they're attached.) i can't live without the luxuries i've always had ...


  1. Bummer! Poor dan occasionally (okay, probably alot) has to wear "sour" clothes...meaning i left hem in the washer wet too long before i dried them.

    Seriously, three years married and I still don't have this wife thing down. Or mom, for that matter...

    miss you guys!

  2. Great Blog! Will you and Matt be as documentary of the the other angels you'll have? How things change from generation to generation. From old black-n-white photos to baby's first blog. She is a cutie!

