Okay, so soon was later than I thought. It's been a month and we just barely unpacked almost all of the boxes yesterday. (The only reason we did it is because family's coming in town.) We're doing thanksgiving at our house this year, and yes that includes my divorced parents of 10+ years, my mom's parents, and all my siblings. I am so excite to make the turkey .... never done it before, but my mom's going to come over and help me. Kylee is getting so big and cute! We're having her birthday party on Wednesday, November 25th at 6:30 (? can't rememeber what time I wrote ....) She's having a princess themed party. Every will be fuschia and soft pink and silver. I bought a crown cake pan and we'll have glitter everywhere (yes that'll be fun to clean up won't it!)

So if I haven't invited you I apologize! Who knows where my address book is .... consider this an invitation. And no presents please because she already has enough crap. Just having some friends over for some fun.
So these cute pictures of kylee, I guess my timing is pretty bad because I always get her with her eyes closed. I honestly think it's my camera, it flashes two little flashes first and then the big flash. This one is how matt tickles her, she has a very ticklish neck and she loves it when he's a little scruffy.

Here's another time Matt is tromping around with Kylee (again ... eyes closed!) But she loves playing around with Matt and I can see that they're really enjoying their time together and bonding closer than they have previously.

This is one of the cutest pictures I have of Kylee--she LOVES her bathtime and when I take her out (after she's all pruney) she kicks and cries. (She has learned how to throw little fits for the things that she wants, but to no avail.)

This was kylee this morning, she is eating some cheerios. (Did I tell you she got 3 teeth in one week ... about 2 weeks ago?? She really wasn't even that miserable.)

Here is her fake smile for the camera. She's already figured it out and she mimics what we do allllll the time. She yawns when we do just to be funny and she also squeezes fingers really hard and makes a funny face. I'll have to get that on picture and post it here.
Well, that's about all that's going on right now. Our world still revolves around our sweet baby. (Who's now 1--on nov. 18th--). We're excited to do thanksgiving and have all our family in town.